00 06/02/2019 14:41
Re: novità ABC Brianza and Arena Modelli monsters

ABC Brianza 1:43 resin build/kits.
Andrea Brianza designed a freakish model from Brasil.
ABC 351 Alfa RLSS 6C 1932 with a horrible aerodinamic carrozzeria by Joachim Küster from Salvador de Bahia.
ABC build €uro 260. or kit.

Arena Modelli 1:43 resin build/kits. After the GTA group 5 wingcars serie, Valerio Comuzzi created an other Alfa Romeo monster.
ARE 981 Alfa 4C Picchio CIVM 2016 no23. In the mountain sprint championship on Reventino, Marco Gramenzi drove this
silhouette 4C. 600Hp comes from the 8C 3000 Judd engine in the back of the 4C.

[Modificato da AR Miniatura Fer 06/02/2019 14:42]